Paraxis: call for submissions

Paraxis is a new online publisher of short stories founded by myself and my friend and colleague from New Fairy Tales, Andy Hedgecock. We both relish fiction with elements of the strange, uncanny or fantastic and wanted to set up an online space for publishing exciting new work and for reprinting stories by writers whose work we love. We'll be publishing themed volumes of short stories as well as releasing single shorts, and will feature artwork and essays, too. Please see our first call for submissions below...

Paraxis is looking for new short stories that tackle the theme of power.
Maximum word count: 3500 words
Deadline: March 31st 2011

You can send your submission as a word document, or in the body of an email, to

Please include a brief bio (max 100 words) and use 'Your story title / Your surname' as the email subject line. And it would be great if you made our lives easier by using web formatting (e.g. use line spaces between paragraphs but don't indent them).

We are open to all kinds of fiction, but you would have to work incredibly hard to convince us that including any of the following in your story is a good idea: fairies, vampires, zombies, werewolves, spaceships, dreary domestic wrangling.

This call is for previously unpublished work. Multiple submissions are ok, but no simultaneous submissions, please. Our first volume of stories will be published at the end of April 2011.

Paraxis is run on a voluntary, not-for-profit basis. Unfortunately, we're not able to pay contributors, but we will be asking readers to consider showing their appreciation for the stories by making a donation to our nominated charity STOP THE TRAFFIK.


The wonderful illustration above is by the amazing Adam Oehlers and will feature on the front page of our website (which is still under construction at the moment).